Design & Construction Services
Project Profiles
Before we build one of our model railroad masterpieces, we ask each client to complete a Project Profile Form. This form helps the client and the Master Model professional railroad builders agree on the best way to meet the client’s objectives. It addresses issues such as scale, era, prototype construction (if required) and other parameters. Layout benchwork can also be designed for temporary display at train shows, malls, exhibition centers, stores and other destinations.
Project Profile Form
Every project starts with the client completing the Project Profile Form to help ensure we establish the best way to meet the client’s objectives.
Our professional model railroad builders use high-quality materials, including sterling-grade pine and fir, polystyrene foam board and polyurethane foam. We incorporate high-quality plywood laminate for track substrate, and all wood surfaces are coated with liquid sealer for moisture protection. All benchwork is fastened together both with glue and screws for greater strength and durability, and is constructed in logical modules to allow for ease of delivery.
High-quality cabinetry with access doors and drawers adds a finished look to your layout and makes storage easier. Clients may choose the “hidden” look or a customized version with choice of hardware. (See the Coon Creek and Rio Grande RR in our Gallery). Custom display cabinets and display systems of models when they are not running are also available.
Only the finest track made by Walthers/Shinohara, Atlas, PECO, Ross, Gargraves, American Models, PBL and Micro Engineering is used in a Master Model layout. If you already own track in like-new condition, it’s possible that it can also be used on your layout. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality, professional trackwork that not only looks right, but also runs right. At the end of the day, a model railroad is only as good as it runs. We provide the best quality workmanship to make that happen.

Electrical/Electronic Systems
Digital Command Control (DCC) is the standard in modern model railroading, and the majority of model railroads now being built are controlled with DCC systems. While Master Model craftsmen can still build a model railroad with conventional analog (DC) control, the limitations and high cost of this type of control system outweigh any benefit. Master Model Railroad Consulting Services can provide systems from NCE, DIGITRAX, ZIMO, Lenz (Z to G and Hi-Rail), Lionel Legacy/TMCC™ and DCS™ from MTH. We have been installing DCC and Hi-Rail control systems for as long as they have been a factor in the marketplace.
In addition to the basic control of locomotives and the track they run on, a Master Model layout can include any or all of the signaling systems, structure lighting, special effects, environmental sounds and special locomotive cab simulators (see the Gallery) that will bring your layout to life.
Imagine your train room, the engine’s headlight glows in the pre-dawn hours. As the locomotive runs down the track, the background lights are tripped and the whole scenario comes to life. The sun rises. In the distance, you hear a rooster crow. These little things give you pause… make you smile. This is a living work of art!
Structures & Rolling Stock
Along with fine scenery, the entirety of a fine museum-quality model railroad is measured by the quality of its structures and rolling stock. We employ nationally recognized, award-winning builders of both rolling stock and structures (Chris Comport, Bob Hayden and others) to construct projects for our clients. Take a look at the many examples in the pictures in our Gallery and in the magazine articles referenced on this website.

Scenery & Details
Scenic effects are the magic that transforms your model railroad from a “toy train” diorama into a museum-quality exhibit. Stories about our railroads appear frequently in Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman magazines as well as on television, specifically the news on ABC, CNN and the acclaimed National Public Television program “Tracks Ahead.” Intricate details like weeds, a discarded bubble gum wrapper (tough to do in O scale, but we’ve done it!), a wild flower emerging from under a fallen tree (O scale and up), geese by the water and honking alarm as they hear the train approaching (we haven’t figured out a way to make the geese fly!) are all possibilities. Down the line at a trackside cemetery, you faintly hear the reverend’s somber prayer as the train approaches in the distance.
Have you decided on what you’re going to name the businesses that takes life on your railroad?
Model Railroad Appraisal Service
We are experts at appraising anything related to the model railroad industry. Have us identify your freight and passenger cars, locomotives, tracks, figures, structures, accessories and even entire model railroad sets to help ensure you get the maximum value possible. With decades of experience internationally, our team can accurately evaluate virtually any brand including American Flyer, Bachmann, Lionel, Marx and William Electric.
Consign Your Model Railroad
If you have an old model railroad collection and it’s just collecting dust, we can help you the same way we’ve helped hundreds of other people sell their items. Master Model Railroad Consulting Services will evaluate and inspect your collection, trains and other pieces, set a competitive price, then market them to train enthusiasts who are looking for model railways every day. Our railroad consignment marketing services will promote your items around the world.